Saturday, July 16, 2011

Internet Use Affects Memory, Study Finds

A new study that was posted inteh NY Times states that the use of Internet has affected the brains of its users. It stated that we has human are beginning to rely much heavily on the internet as our memory storage than our brains. I agree with ths study, certain things I just dont log into short-term or long-term memory, I just rely onteh interent to get the answer again; espicially if its something that I have no active prior schema of the topic. I began to think of the use of internet and technology in the classroom. Are studetns reacting to technology and internet itneh classroom becasue its a new way to gain rote memorization. Are students committing the info to memory because it's a new way to committ it to memory instead of reading it from a textbook or writing it. As of lately I have been recaslling a lot of informtion becasue of the way that it si sbeing delivered to me. I tend ot rely on the visuals that I associate with the informtaion instead of the notes that I take while in class. I also tend to look up things on the internet instead of looking th rough notes and tryingt to remember things. Has the use of quick information at our finger tips that the internet offers us start to decrese our ability ot remember importatn information. TO has it mad it easier for us not to remember becaseu we dont really have to rely on our brains? What does this say about our students? Will they not rely on paying attention and being engaged with the information that we deliver since we are incoprotaing technology and internet in the class; they can just easily look up the info instead of internalizing the content!!!!

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