Sunday, July 10, 2011

Chicago Public Schools slow to respond to Technology in the Classroom

I feel that this article is very true. The usage of technology in the classroom is definietly lacking in CPS. I feel that if teachers and CPS as whole adopted more modern ways to deliver content to studetns they would have more students engaed in learning. How can a teachers expect students to be engaged in classrooms when they only use books and frown upon contemporary things that interset their students. The fact that facebook and you tube are blocked from the CPS network decreases the teachers ability to bring in things that interest their students. I applaud the teacher in the article who uses facebook to interact with the students. I do agree that certain things found o these websites should not find places in the classroom, however if innocent usage of you tube is used to increase students' interest and learning I'm all for it. I feel that along with the change in technology schools should evolve as well; If nearby public schools systems are using the technology and receiving positive result, CPS should follow and try to catch up not only with the usage of technology but also with test scores and content attainment.

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